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DIY Essentials! Reduce Back Pain With These Effective Tips

The festive Bank Holidays have arrived and for many that means one thing, it’s time to start DIY! With new gadgets to try out and more time than normal to get those odd jobs done, the period between Christmas and New Year is a brilliant opportunity to make progress around the home. As productive as DIY can be, it can take its toll on the spine and often leave people in discomfort afterwards, so this week we want to help you take care of your spine whilst carrying out manual work, enabling you to have a productive and healthy end to the year. Here are 5 effective tips to take care of your spine whilst carrying out DIY: 1. Break it down We know how tempting it is to want to get a job done in one go. But quite often we underestimate how long it is going to take, which can result in a full day of work without any breaks. Therefore, we would recommend breaking the task down over days if necessary. Ensure to factor in breaks during the day so that you can hydrate and nourish your body with good food, which will help to keep your energy levels high. 2. Use both sides We all have a dominant side of the body, but if you are doing repetitive lifting or twisting it can put uneven stress through your spine, leaving you vulnerable to injury. Where possible, use both sides of your body. It may take a little extra focus at first, but over time it will start to become second nature and support your spine health long term. 3. Bend the knees Poor posture when picking up items or carrying out tasks puts a lot of strain through your spine, in particular your lower back. When carrying out manual tasks that involves bending or lifting, take time to bend your knees and engage your stomach muscles. Making these small adaptations will help to support your lower back and avoid those aches and pains. 4. Ask for help Is the job too big for one person or are there items to carry that realistically should be lifted by two? A moment of determination can lead to weeks or months of pain, so we would encourage you to assess your job and don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand. You may be surprised at how quickly you can get the job done too! 5. Self-care After a long day of work, sitting down and vegetating in front of the television can feel like a dream, but before you get comfy for the night take 10 minutes to help your body transition from one activity to another. Taking a warm shower or bath will help to ease your muscles and follow this with some gentle stretching. Simple post DIY self-care will help to reduce potential cramping, along with the next day discomfort. We hope the guidance is helpful and allows you to enjoy your upcoming DIY! It’s easy to overlook the fact that manual jobs around the home can be very physical for our body, however we should really be treating it like any other intentional exercise and support our body in the process. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023, we look forward to supporting you on your health journey with Chiropractic in the New Year. The content of this blog is for educational purposes and is not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.

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