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Sleep Well With These Top Tips

Getting a good night’s sleep and waking up feeling refreshed is something that can easily be taken for granted. Often it’s not until hours are missed or sleep becomes disjointed, that people realise just how important it is. You may be able to relate from your own experience. Do you recall when you last had a poor night’s sleep? The next day you may have felt like you’d been up until the early hours partying, or stepped off a plane from an exotic destination when sadly neither were the case. It’s safe to say, you most likely weren’t firing on all cylinders. And whilst a coffee hit may have offered a temporary pick me up, only adequate rest would have allowed your mind and body to get back to working at its best. Why are we keen to emphasise the importance of sleep as your Chiropractor? Well sleep is essential for your healing. It’s a time when your body repairs and recovers, and therefore getting quality sleep complements and supports your chiropractic journey, along with your overall wellbeing. So if you are struggling with your sleep right now or just want to enhance your sleep routine, here are 5 ways to help get that well deserved rest: 1. Make it a priority Just like you’d prioritise an appointment in your diary, why not treat your sleep the same? Think of it as a very important date that can’t be missed. Decide what time you are going to get to sleep and wake, and stick to it. For adults, aiming for 7-9 hours sleep a night is the ideal. 2. Avoid screen use before Next time you see someone on their phone at night, take a moment to check out the blue light that shines on their face. Electronic devices emit blue light which impacts your hormones, tricking your body to think it’s daytime when it should be preparing for sleep. Ideally aim to switch off all devices 90 minutes before bed, and if you do need to use them, some people find blue light blockers helpful to reduce the impact. 3. Get more daylight Your sleep cycle is impacted by the amount of daylight you receive, so getting outside for at least half an hour a day, and ideally in the morning, will assist with your hormone regulation. If your hormones are working as they should, it means you will have lots of energy during the day, then when nighttime approaches your body will naturally start to wind down, assisting in a good night’s slumber. 4. Be mindful of what you eat and drink You are probably aware of the impact caffeine can have on sleep. Maybe you’ve had a can of Red Bull or a cup of coffee before bedtime in the past and when your head hit the pillow, you soon realised how powerful caffeine can be! Yes, caffeine is a stimulant, and therefore can make getting to sleep difficult, as well as hindering the quality of sleep. Did you know that alcohol, sweet drinks, and heavy foods have a similar affect? If you eat or drink too close to bedtime, your body ends up working hard to process what you’ve consumed rather than slowing down to rest. Therefore, it is recommended to have your last caffeinated drink 6 hours before bedtime, and any other sweetened or alcoholic drink 2 hours before, along with your last meal. 5. Create a restful space Your environment that you sleep in will either help or hinder how well you sleep. Making your bedroom as dark as possible by using blackout blinds or curtains and covering over any LED lights can assist your sleep quality. Having a cool room can also assist, and if you struggle with background noise, using ear plugs can be a saviour for this. If you are struggling with sleep we understand how frustrating it can be, and that restful time can become one that is dreaded. If you haven’t tried these steps before, we would encourage you to give them a go consistently and see if they help. If your concerns do persist, then be sure to seek further support from your health care provider. And if you work shifts or are caring for a newborn or loved one, we know following all of these steps may not be realistic for you right now, but do what you can, even if it’s just one thing you implement, it can really assist with your sleep and allow your body to get that well needed rest. We look forward to hearing how you get on! The content of this blog is for educational purposes and is not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.

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